Undergraduate Course
Fundamentals of Circuit Theory and LAB (FCTL) by Prof.Ha
Fundamentals of Circuit Theory and Lab (FCTL) : Theory 3 + Lab. 1 = 4
Prerequisites: Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics I & II
Description: Basic understanding of circuit theory and lab.
Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda, "Introduction to Electric Circuits," John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Young-Kweon Kim, Jung-Ik Ha, and 4 others, Circuit Theory Experiment, Rainbow Books, 2021.
Design and analyze resistive circuits with LTspice simulation program.
Construct a linear regulator circuit to supply a constant DC voltage.
Construct and perform experiment with resistive circuits.
Apply KCL, KVL for analysis of resistive circuits.
Apply Thevenin and Norton theorems to perform source transformation and obtain equivalent circuits.
Construct and analyze linear op amp circuits.
Construct AC circuits with function generator and RLC elements.
Perform simulation and experiment with AC circuits using oscilloscope.
Apply phasor analysis to AC circuits in sinusoidal steady-state.
Apply KCL, KVL for analysis of AC RLC circuits.
Perform simulation and experiment with frequency response of RLC circuits.
Perform simulation and experiment to obtain Bode plots of first- and second-order circuits.
Electric Machine and Control (EMC) by Prof.Ha
Graduate Course
Modern Resonant Converters (MRC) by Prof.Ha
Due to our excessive energy use, the earth is becoming hotter and hotter and facing climate change. Renewable and efficient energy consumption is necessary for our sustainable future. Power Electronics is the key technology for efficiently converting various energy.
Modern power electronics is supported by highly efficient wide-bandgap power devices and high-frequency components. The operating frequency is increasing and the parasitic components are highly involved in the operation modes. The resonance in the power converters became the most important feature for better efficiency and power density.
This lecture aims at the fundamental class guide and study for analysis and design of modern resonant converters and giving you deep insight to understand modern resonant converters. It includes impedance matching networks, single-ended resonant converters, isolated resonant converters, and wireless power transfer. This book will guide you to the first step to becoming an expert or great researcher in modern resonant converters. And it will train you with several basic techniques for future development and research.
Renewable Energy Conversion Systems (RECS) by Prof.Ha
This course introduces electric power conversion technologies for various renewable energy systems. It is intended to promote abilities of the graduate students to analyze and design renewable energy conversion systems. It includes the fundamentals of distributed electric power generations, grid connection technologies, wind and solar generation Systems, electric machines based on heat and pressure, and their power generation. It will provide understanding of electric machines and the power conversions of renewable energy systems.